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Is your defibrillator connected? Take charge. Join The Circuit today.

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About The Circuit

The Circuit – the national defibrillator network provides a national overview of where defibrillators can be found.

At the moment, many defibrillators never get used because emergency services don’t know where they are or how to access them. This can cost lives and that’s why this new infrastructure is so vital.

What is The Circuit?

The Circuit is the national defibrillator network used by all 14 ambulance services across the UK. It enables ambulance services to locate the nearest defibrillator when 999 is called in response to a cardiac arrest.

At a time when every minute matters, this information is critical to enable bystander defibrillation to start before the ambulance arrives.

Your defibrillator is visible to ambulance services 60 seconds after registering. It could make a lifesaving difference for someone and their loved ones.

Why you should register your defibrillator?

Each year, there are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the UK. Every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces the chance of survival by up to 10%.

If a defibrillator isn’t registered on The Circuit the ambulance service can’t see it and the opportunity to save a life could be missed

It can take as little as 5 minutes to register a defibrillator, and there is no cost

Who should register the defibrillator?

The person responsible for looking after the defibrillator (the defibrillator Guardian) should register the defibrillator.

The Circuit sends reminders to Guardians to check their defibrillator, to ensure it is emergency ready. It is important the Guardian records status checks on The Circuit, as this provides the ambulance service with the confidence that the defibrillator is ready to use, if needed.

How does The Circuit work?

Currently, each of the 14 ambulance services across the UK have their own defibrillator database for their area. The Circuit brings this information together into one database.

As defibrillators are registered on The Circuit, their location and status is instantly synchronised with the emergency services’ systems ensuring that their information is always up to date and ready to help save lives.

Why is registration so important?

The Circuit is the key to making sure that whenever and wherever a cardiac arrest happens, the people on the scene can get to the nearest working defibrillator quickly.

Whether it’s in a local pub, shopping centre or office - every defibrillator matters. Registration could be the difference between life and death.

Where is The Circuit already being used?

The Circuit is already up and running in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, as well as regions within England including the West and East Midlands.

The remaining UK ambulance services will be connected to The Circuit over the course of 2020 and 2021.

Stuart’s story

When Stuart’s son had a cardiac arrest at school, Stuart saved his life by using the school’s brand new defibrillator.

Stuart’s story

When Stuart’s son had a cardiac arrest at school, Stuart saved his life by using the school’s brand new defibrillator.

Watch Stuart’s story to hear why registering today is so important.

Proud Partners

British Heart Foundation (BHF) is fully funding The Circuit thanks to the generosity of our donors and supporters. We’re proud to be working in partnership to establish and run the network with:

Association of Ambulance Chief Execs

The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) provides ambulance services with a central organisation that supports, coordinates and implements nationally agreed policy.

It also provides the general public and other stakeholders with a central resource of information about NHS ambulance services.

“Providing the right help to someone in cardiac arrest in the quickest time is essential if we are to improve survival. The Circuit will provide ambulance services with timely information regarding public access defibrillators and will make a real difference. AACE is pleased to support the development of The Circuit and looks forward to it being rapidly populated with defibrillators across the whole country”

Steve Irving - Executive Officer, AACE

Resuscitation Council

Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) is saving lives by developing guidelines, influencing policy, delivering courses and supporting cutting-edge research.

Through education, training and research, RCUK are working towards the day when everyone in the country has the skills they need to save a life.

“We’re very pleased to partner with BHF, St John Ambulance and AACE on The Circuit, an initiative we know will lead to lives saved across the United Kingdom”

Emily Pulham, Communications Manager - RCUK

St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance responds to health emergencies, supports communities, and saves lives.

From treating and transporting thousands of patients each year to giving members of the public life saving skills and the confidence to use them - the clinical expertise of St John’s people makes them unique.

As a charity with a long history of serving humanity, they are excited about creating a healthier, safer, more resilient future.

“As a charity that teaches people how to deal with a cardiac arrest and whose volunteers have seen first-hand the benefit of using a defibrillator quickly when responding to emergencies, St John is proud to partner with the BHF, RCUK and AACE to grow The Circuit so that more lives are saved”

Bliss Trenchard, Senior Brand Manager - SJA

Association of Ambulance Chief Execs

The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) provides ambulance services with a central organisation that supports, coordinates and implements nationally agreed policy.

It also provides the general public and other stakeholders with a central resource of information about NHS ambulance services.

“Providing the right help to someone in cardiac arrest in the quickest time is essential if we are to improve survival. The Circuit will provide ambulance services with timely information regarding public access defibrillators and will make a real difference. AACE is pleased to support the development of The Circuit and looks forward to it being rapidly populated with defibrillators across the whole country”

Steve Irving - Executive Officer, AACE

Resuscitation Council

Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) is saving lives by developing guidelines, influencing policy, delivering courses and supporting cutting-edge research.

Through education, training and research, RCUK are working towards the day when everyone in the country has the skills they need to save a life.

“We’re very pleased to partner with BHF, St John Ambulance and AACE on The Circuit, an initiative we know will lead to lives saved across the United Kingdom” - Name / title placeholder

Emily Pulham, Communications Manager - RCUK

St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance responds to health emergencies, supports communities, and saves lives.

From treating and transporting thousands of patients each year to giving members of the public life saving skills and the confidence to use them - the clinical expertise of St John’s people makes them unique.

As a charity with a long history of serving humanity, they are excited about creating a healthier, safer, more resilient future.

“As a charity that teaches people how to deal with a cardiac arrest and whose volunteers have seen first-hand the benefit of using a defibrillator quickly when responding to emergencies, St John is proud to partner with the BHF, RCUK and AACE to grow The Circuit so that more lives are saved”

Bliss Trenchard, Senior Brand Manager - SJA